Chapter One :Chapter 1




1300 A.D.


The battle raged on the Crimson Mountain is sight to behold, a formidable Caitiff warrior queen leads the vast army of vampires of the north, with unwavering determination and skill.

She is clad in her battle armor and wielding her enchanted sword, fought with relentless determination. Her movements were swift and precise, a dance of deadly elegance amidst the chaos of war. She is the Queen of both of the six kingdoms of vampires, hybrid wolves and land of the witches and warlocks.

Her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the flames of the battlefield. She engaged in combat with a powerful warlock, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks.

With a fierce expression, she spoke through gritted teeth, "Your dark magic is no match for the strength of my spirit!"

As she dodged a blast of dark energy, the queen swiftly countered with a flurry of strikes, her sword cutting through the air with a resounding swish.

She taunted her opponent, a wicked grin forming on her lips.

"Is that all you've got? I expected more from someone who claims to be a master of the arcane!"

Her movements were fluid and agile, her body seemingly an extension of her weapon. She swiftly dispatched a group of witches with a series of well-placed strikes.

With a voice filled with determination, she shouted to her fellow warriors, "Stay strong! We fight not just for ourselves but for the future of our kingdoms!"

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, her voice rose above the clash of weapons and cries of pain. She encouraged her comrades, her words infused with unwavering resolve.

"We are the embodiment of unity and strength! Together, we shall overcome any obstacle that stands in our way!"

Her blade danced through the air, parrying attacks and delivering precise strikes. As she engaged in a fierce duel with a Malkavian vampire, she smirked with confidence.

"Your tricks and illusions won't save you. I have seen through your deceptions, and now you will face the wrath of my blade!"

With a powerful swing, she unleashed a wave of energy that sent her adversary sprawling backward.

She approached with determination, her voice ringing out with authority.

"It is time for you to pay for your crimes, to answer for the lives you have taken!"

Throughout the battle, her words resonated with power and conviction, inspiring her allies to fight with renewed vigor.

Her voice carried across the crimson mountain, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

"We fight not just for victory in this battle, but for the future of our kingdoms. Let our valor and unity shine through the darkness!"

As the battle raged on, her fighting prowess continued to shine, her every strike filled with purpose and determination.

With every enemy she defeated, she knew that she was one step closer to securing a brighter future for her people.

In the end, she stood tall amidst the fallen, her voice a triumphant proclamation.

"This battle may be won, but our journey towards peace and unity has just begun. Together, we shall rebuild what has been broken and forge a new era of prosperity!"

Her words echoed through the Crimson Mountain, a testament to her strength, resilience, and unwavering spirit.

The warrior queen, had proven herself as a leader and a force to be reckoned with, inspiring all who fought alongside her.

Determined to protect her child, rode swiftly to the hut of the witches, her heart filled with vengeance.

With fierce determination, she fought against the warlocks, her blade cutting through the darkness with precision.

She knew that her victory in this battle would secure her son's safety.

But in a moment of treachery, a blade was plunged into her spine.

Her face contorted in shock and pain as she turned to face her attacker.

The realization that someone she trusted had betrayed her shook her to the core.

As flames engulfed the hut, threatening to consume everything, her baby cried out, helpless and in danger.

Weakened and unable to move, she fought against the poison coursing through her veins. It was a wicked concoction crafted by the witches, designed to bring her to her knees.

The flames licked closer, and despair threatened to overwhelm her.

Her heart heavy with sorrow and confusion, turned her gaze to the figure who had betrayed her.

Through pain-filled gasps, she managed to utter the question that burned within her.

"Why? Why would you do this to us, to our family?"

The warrior concealed in iron armor remained silent, its identity shrouded in mystery.

But the werewolf king, his voice laced with anger and anguish, roared, "No, my love!

“We trusted you! How could you betray us like this?" Artemisia's voice soft and almost a whisper as she is soaked in her blood.

The one in iron clad instantly turned his back and took the queen’s horse.

As the werewolf king fought with unyielding determination, his strikes fueled by the fire of his love. He runs to aid his dying queen.

The queen felt her strength waning. The venom from the poisoned blade coursed through her veins, threatening to consume her. She looked at her baby son, crying amidst the spreading flames, and her heart shattered.

Tears mingled with the sweat on her face as she whispered, "Stay strong, my little one. I will always love you, protect you.”

The werewolf king, his eyes blazing with fury, managed to defeat assailants attacking the badly wounded queen.

As he cradled her in his arms, his voice filled with desperation and love.

"Hold on, my queen! Don't leave me. We will find a way to save you!"

But she feels her strength is fading with each passing moment, her body growing limp.

She gazed into the werewolf king's eyes, her voice barely a whisper.

"I am proud to have fought by your side, to have loved you. Take care of our child. Fulfill the prophecy, bring peace."

Tears streamed down the werewolf king's face as he held her close, feeling her life slipping away.

He vowed, "I will avenge you, my love. I will protect our child and bring justice to those who caused this pain."

As her life force waned, she sank her fangs into them, imparting her vampiric essence and transforming them into potent bloodsuckers.

This sacrificial act was meant to shield them from mortality, ensuring their protection as they continued their existence.

Furthermore, with a swift and incantatory chant, she transferred her own power to her beloved husband, the Lycanthrope, the true love of her life, and also infused her child with a portion of her formidable abilities.

In doing so, she hoped to secure their strength and pave the way for her child to bring harmony and tranquility to the realms of the underworld.

With her final breath, the queen uttered words of love and determination.

"Remember me, my love. Remember our love. And when the time comes, we will be reunited."

In the aftermath of the betrayal and the consuming fire, the werewolf king held the queen’s lifeless body, his heart shattered but his resolve unyielding.

The identity of the one in the iron armor remained a mystery, but the traitor would not go unpunished.

Overwhelmed with pain and grief, he cradled his child in his arms and swiftly made his way to safety.

As he turned back to retrieve the body of his beloved wife, a heart-wrenching sight awaited him.

Her lifeless form had disintegrated into a pile of ashes, leaving no trace of her physical existence behind.

The realization of her loss struck him with a profound sense of emptiness, and he could only cling to the memories of their love and the hope she had instilled in him for the future.

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